volume 06  issue 11

Examine how information technology is developing and how that is affecting marketing and strategy in Hong Kong.: Examine how information technology is developing and how that is affecting marketing and strategy in Hong Kong.


This research analyses the relationship between the Marketing Strategies. And Advancement Of Information Technology in each of the investigated variables, including perceived quality, brand awareness, brand image, and brand loyalty. An intercept survey was carried out in shopping centers in Beijing and Shanghai to collect the necessary data. Data may be able to be used by marketers as a means of informing decisions on distributor retail buying accommodation of brand actions. This research analyses the relationship between the Examine Advancement Of Information Technology And Its Impact On Marketing Strategies In Hong Kong brand equity dimensions (brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand image, and perceived quality) with brand equity using the clothing sector in China Data from the research was used to do an analysis of variance (ANOVA) to learn more about the relationships between the two in the Chinese market. Marketers may use the information to better guide distribution choices in the Chinese Hong Kong market.

Distribution intensity was shown to positively correlate with all measures of brand success in an analysis of variance (ANOVA) (recognition, loyalty, perception, and perceived quality). This might lead to a more favorable brand image and increased customer loyalty among Chinese consumers, since a general perception of quality declines among Chinese consumers.

  • Marketing,
  • Motivations,
  • Characteristics Brand,
  • Perceived quality,
  • Brand image,
  • Brand awareness Women,
  • Challenges
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  • • xl Dynamax Technologies (2011), “Too much advertising kills advertising”,
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  • • xliii Edelman (2011, p6), “2011 Edelman Trust Barometer findings”, 2011 Edelman
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  • • communauté des experts (Accessed: 20 April 2011).
  • • l Brown, D. and Hayes, N. (2008, p1-10) Influencer marketing : who really
  • • influences your customers?. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • • li Ping Elizabeth (2009, p2), “Nielsen Trust and Advertising Global Report July09”,
  • • slideshare, available at: (Accessed: 20 April 2011)
  • • lii SocialNomics09 (2010), “Social Media Revolution 2 refresh”, youtube, Available at: (Accessed : 27 April 2011)
  • • liii Corrine Ankri and Pascal Lannoo (2011), “Audiences internet en France, février
  • • 2011”,, Available at: (Accessed: 27 April 2011).
  • • liv Mc.Kinsey& Company (2010, p4), “A new way to measure word-of-mouth marketing”, on prend uncafe, available at: (Accessed 27 April 2011).
  • • lv Jaffe, J. (2010, p54) Flipping the funnel: how to use customers to gain new ones, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • • lvi Duncan Brown (2009), “The consumer decision journey”, Infuse the blog for influencer marketing, available at:
  • (Accessed: 27 April 2011).
  • • lvii McKinsey&Company (2010, p3), “A new way to measure word-of-mouth marketing”, onprenduncafe, available at: : (Accessed 27 April 2011).
  • • lviii McKinsey&Company (2010, p3), “A new way to measure word-of-mouth marketing”, onprenduncafe, available at: (Accessed 27 April 2011).
  • • lix Brown, D. and Hayes, N. (2008, p179-180) Influencer marketing : who really influences your customers?. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • • lx Jaffe, J. (2010, p28) Flipping the funnel: how to use customers to gain new ones, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • • lxi Jaffe, J. (2010, p27) Flipping the funnel: how to use customers to gain new ones, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • • lxii Jaffe, J. (2010, p20-21) Flipping the funnel: how to use customers to gain new ones, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • • lxiii Jaffe, J. (2010, p56 and 235) Flipping the funnel: how to use customers to gain new ones, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • • lxiv F. John Reh (2011), “Pareto‟s Principle – The 80-20 Rule”,
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  • • lxvJaffe, J. (2010, p217) Flipping the funnel: how to use customers to gain new ones, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • • lxvi Michael Brito (2006), “The 6 C‟s of marketing unleashed”, associated content from yahoo, available at: html?cat=35 (Accessed: 27 April 2011).
  • • lxviiJaffe, J. (2010, p217) Flipping the funnel: how to use customers to gain new ones,
  • • Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • • lxviii Jaffe, J. (2010, p217-238) Flipping the funnel: how to use customers to gain new
  • • ones, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • • lxix Brian Solis (2009), “The conversation prism version 2.0”, Brian Solis, defining
  • • the convergence of media and influence, Available at:
  • (Accessed: 27 April
  • • 2011).
  • • lxx Jaffe, J. (2010, p97) Flipping the funnel: how to use customers to gain new ones,
  • • Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • • lxxi Jaffe, J. (2010, p158) Flipping the funnel: how to use customers to gain new ones,
  • • Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • • lxxii Jaffe, J. (2010, p117) Flipping the funnel: how to use customers to gain new
  • • ones, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • • lxxiii Lisa Johnson Mandell, (2011), “Boss alert: Happy employees = Happy
  • • customers”, Aol Jobs., Available at: (Accessed : 6 June 2011)
  • • lxxiv Brown, D. and Hayes, N. (2008, p105) Influencer marketing : who really
  • • influences your customers?. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • • lxxv PollackPRMktg (2010), “social media is a customer service “, Youtube,
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  • June 2011)
  • • lxxvi Pix-geeks (2009), “Les réseaux sociaux au service de la Relation Client”, Pix
  • • geeks, available at (Accessed: 6 June 2011)
  • • lxxvii Jaffe, J. (2010, p128) Flipping the funnel: how to use customers to gain new ones, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • • lxxviii Coldplay (no date), “Left Right Left Right Left”, coldplay, available at:
  • (Accessed: 11 April 2011).
  • • lxxix Apple inc (2011), “Got a technical question? Step up to the Genius Bar”, apple,
  • • available at: (Accessed: 21 March 2011).
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  • • available at: (Accessed: 11 april 2011).
  • • lxxxi Panasonic Corporation (2011), “Living in HD Community”, living in had, available at: (Accessed: 11 april 2011).
  • • lxxxii Nike (no date), website of Nike, available at:
  • (Accessed: 21 April 2011).
  • • lxxxiii Nike (2010),” website of NikeiD, available at:
  • (Accessed: 21 April 2011).
  • • lxxxiv Edelman (2011, p21), “2011 Edelman Trust Barometer findings”, 2011
  • • Edelman Trust Barometer, available at:
  • Global%20Deck.pdf (Accessed: 1 June 2011)
  • • lxxxv Edelman (2011, p16), “2011 Edelman Trust Barometer findings”, 2011 Edelman Trust Barometer, available at:
  • Global%20Deck.pdf
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How to Cite

LIN DONGWU, L. D., & ABHIJIT GHOSH, A. G. (2023). Examine how information technology is developing and how that is affecting marketing and strategy in Hong Kong.: Examine how information technology is developing and how that is affecting marketing and strategy in Hong Kong. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 6(11). Retrieved from

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