volume 3 issue 05



Wildlife plays an important role in preserving the ecological balance of nature. The wildlife presence affects the character of its habitat by frequently supporting the evolutionary adaptations of everything in its environment. The quality of the environment can also be assessed by the presence of wildlife. Wildlife serves as a rich resource of food and livelihood in various developing countries. The various plant species in the wild are also useful for the preparation of traditional medicine as well as the presence of wildlife opens the possibility of a thriving tourism industry. Various national parks around the world are developed where people can have an easy look of natural habitat of wild animals and also they have massive incomes every year. Preserving animals’ in their natural habitats is one of the most effective ways to protect wildlife. Animals face fears to their habitats, including farming, development and deforestation. Habitat destruction can cause species extinction, and the preservation of natural land is one of the key ways to protect wildlife from destruction. Government ever year make a concentrated effort to protect animals and habitats. But due to various illegal activity specially poaching of animal’s parts and skin as well as due to reduce in the habitat there is continuous reduction of wildlife population. For these purpose a new field “Wildlife Forensics


  • wildlife,
  • national,
  • animals
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JAI PRAKASH SHARMA. (2020). MAMMALS FEATURES, STRUCTURE, COMPARATIVE ANATOMICAL ANALYSIS ON THE EXAMPLE OF TWO REPRENTATIVES. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 3(05), 01–20. Retrieved from

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