volume 07 issue 01

An Investigative Study of the Effects of Chinese Universities on the Job Satisfaction of Academics


Despite its drawbacks, the results of this study are a substantial contribution to the study of job satisfaction in Chinese universities. Massive reforms in China's university system have raised concerns about the dedication of university faculty. The results of this investigation may lead to enhancements in both academic worker contentment and the quality of higher learning. The researcher has some suggestions for you, which are included below. Satisfaction among school administrators is a key factor in student learning.

Academics' perceptions of their profession have a direct impact on their work happiness, as well as the quality of their teaching and their commitment to the field. Hean and Garrett (2001) argue that "high academic work satisfaction" will lead to improved education because "happier instructors are better teachers."

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How to Cite

HU NAN, H. N., & GHOSH , D. A. . (2024). An Investigative Study of the Effects of Chinese Universities on the Job Satisfaction of Academics. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 7(01), 01–13. Retrieved from

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