volume 7 issue 01

Research on AI-Powered Smart Cities for On-Demand Autonomous Vehicle Automation Systems


Automated "vehicles (AVs) have the potential to positively affect transportation and smart cities in many ways. Vehicle platooning, in which one automobile follows closely after another, might benefit from AV technology, which could reduce the amount of space between vehicles. However, well-made AVs have the potential to have a far larger impact [27]. Currently designed roads and highways will need to be modified when autonomous vehicles (AVs) gain popularity [14]. We need to start planning now to make the most of AVs' potential in smart transportation networks. Researching and capitalising on the distinctive features of AVs holds great promise for advancing technology and creating AV systems with various additional advantages. This is because there are "the following three major categories of research topics: Traffic data management including autonomous vehicles and road infrastructure [15].

Vehicle-to-grid "use cases for autonomous vehicles (V2G). A battery is a typical source of energy for AVs. When there is a mismatch between supply and demand in a smart grid, electricity production prices might go up [16]. One solution is to leverage the enormous battery capacity of AVs to maintain and balance the power grid. If the amount of energy produced exceeds the amount of energy needed, we may utilise the surplus to charge the AVs. Similarly, we may discharge the AVs to deliver extra power to the grid if demand exceeds supply [26]. Parking garages equipped for vehicle-to-grid services were made available to AVs through a centralised scheduling system. To solve the ILP version of the coordinated parking problem [17], we shall employ a decentralised approach. However, V2G services are limited in their adaptability since AVs are confined to a single parking location. Only by counting automobiles can V2G services be recognised, but this issue also has to account for the power exchanged and voltage effect caused by these vehicles. Therefore, the actual power flow of AVs must be considered while scheduling charging periods. As a result, figuring out parking spots for autonomous vehicles is crucial for both vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-pedestrian interactions "rebalancing, and it's an important field to research [18].

hematics education "cities

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QI LE, Q. L., DR NOOR ALIA BT AWANG, D. N. A. B. A., & ALAGIRISAMY, D. M. A. (2024). Research on AI-Powered Smart Cities for On-Demand Autonomous Vehicle Automation Systems. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 7(01), 01–07. Retrieved from

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